Basic Will Course


Unlock the power of your will with exercises and explorations that reconnect you with the power to take charge of your life now.

This is the third course in the series The Seven Pillars of Enlightenment.

Determination is the foundation of success

All decisions and actions are founded on the motivating force called will. Many people become stuck in lower realms of will and exhaust their creative power. Knowing how to operate from a higher realm of will can free you from even the most solid limitations. Having the ability to access the power of your will can determine your degree of success in all areas of life.

• Gain greater ability in the skills required for a successful life. 

• Get practical tools to move yourself forward now 

• Stop worry and unhelpful habits 

• Tap into a new level of determination and power 

• Strengthen your motivation

What you’ll learn

The forces behind human will

Discover how to access an effortless realm of will that empowers you to live deliberately.

Experiential Exercises

Begin to master your will with step by step guidance. Increase your ability to take effective action and overcome self-sabotaging behaviors.

How to access determination

Move yourself into a new level of will and tap into a wellspring of determination.

Guidance on a key exercise

Schedule a complimentary call with an expert guide, an Avatar Master. Their goal is to ensure you get the most from your exploration. Our experienced guides are trained to help people achieve the best possible results on the Avatar exercises.

I learned the difference between understanding something in my head and feeling it and having it become clear (realizing it on a deeper level).

Kaori M., Japan

I had a huge shift in my self-confidence as a result of the exercises in the course. I realized I am in control and I can do the things I decide to do. I started today doing things I couldn't have done without these realizations. I would have kept making excuses.

Leigh B., New Zealand

I am in awe of my ability to have complete control of my mind after completing the Basic Will Mini-Course.

Ally S., Australia

Get the inner power to achieve your goals and dreams.


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